
Russia is one of the most dynamically developing countries in the world. Constantly re-equipment of industry enterprises, construction of large capital objects, investments into energy utilities - all these activities require implementation of best products and complex engineering solutions from all over the world.

The leading industry web-source RusCable.Ru would be honour to shape your brand to be knowledgable at the Russian market and leverage you to potential regional customers.

This web-page presents the most important and beneficial industry news as follows.

  • 25 June 2015, 00:22.
    Conference "Innovative power engineering. Ways. Possibilities. Prospects"
    On 19th May a lot of experts in the field of energy economy gathered in St. Petersburg at Russian International Energy Forum. All of them attended the conference “Innovative power engineering. Ways. Possibilities. Prospects.” There has never been such public excitement in the history of round-table discussion and conference in energy economy. There were more than 20 speakers of leading energy companies, including members of state power, and experts in different fields.
  • 22 June 2015, 03:01.
    New cable factory “ExpertCable” was opened in an industrial park Orel
    In summer 2014 a new cable factory “ExpertCable” was opened in an industrial park Orel (Orel city).
  • 17 June 2015, 23:35.
    OOO “TomskCable” has begun manufacturing of insulated sheathed cable
    OOO “TomskCable” has begun manufacturing of insulated sheathed cable from polyvinyl chloride plasticate of reduced fire hazard in “íã(A)-LS-ÕË version.
  • 15 June 2015, 22:03.
    "Special systems and technologies" industry successfully passed the system audit of management
    In April 2015 “Special systems and technologies”  industry successfully passed the system audit of management in conformity with international standards ISO 9001 and IEC 80079-34 in order to confirm the operation of international certificates IEC Ex for products, manufactured in explosion-proof version.
  • 08 June 2015, 04:33.
    Enel admitted to Euronext Vigeo sustainability indices for trird straight yeat
    Enel has been confirmed in the Euronext Vigeo – World 120 index, listing the 120 most sustainable companies with the largest free-float market capitalisation in Europe, North America and the Asia Pacific region as of May 2015. At the same time, Enel has also been confirmed in the regional Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120 and Europe 120 indices, which respectively list the 120 most sustainable companies with the largest free-float in the Eurozone and the European region. Enel has been included in these indices since their inception three years ago. Euronext Vigeo updates its inclusion criteria every six months, ensuring that the sustainability credentials of companies listed in its indices are constantly tested against the latest trends and global developments.
  • 03 June 2015, 19:32.
    "Systems and Technologies" have completed a significant project for the electric power industry in "Komienergo"
    "Systems and Technologies" completed the project on creation of the center of data collection and transmission of commercial accounting of electric power in the branch of  JSC "MRSK North-West" (part of  "Rossetti") - "Komienergo". This project , made on the basis of    "Systems and Technologies" own decisions, was the innovative market for electricity in the region.
  • 01 June 2015, 01:22.
    NLMK has saved more than 1.2 billion rubles thanks to energy efficiency
    NLMK Group, the largest steel producer in Russia and one of the most efficient steel companies in the world in 2014 has saved 437 million rubles due to the optimization of energy purchases and 800 million rubles due to projects to improve efficiency resource  and operation of power equipment.
  • 27 May 2015, 00:43.
    Tomsk region and "Rosseti" begun to implement the "road map" on import substitution
    Russian manufacturer of modern electrical equipment  "Tomskcable"  presented their products to Tomsk Distribution Company management, a member of the group of "Rosseti".
  • 25 May 2015, 02:24.
    Russia and China are going to sell SSJ 100 jointly
    Representatives of Russia and China signed an agreement on the establishment of a leasing company, which will implement the new Russian regional jet of a new generation called SSJ 100  in Asia. For three years it is planned to sell  about 100 jets in China and other countries with a total sum of about $ 3 billion. The participants of the agreement were the Russian-Chinese Investment...
  • 19 May 2015, 03:03.
    Enel: Board of Directors approves results
    The Board of Directors of Enel SpA (“Enel”), chaired by Patrizia Grieco, yesterday evening examined and approved the Interim Financial Report at March 31st, 2015.