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Electrocable develops the collaboration with companies of the North-West region

Electrocable develops the collaboration with companies of the North-West region

10 January 2016, 23:22
Tags: Electrocable


The “Holding Cable Alliance” took part in the events within the bounds of the cultural and business mission of St Petersburg into Vladimir Region. The delegation of the North capital was headed by Georgiy Poltavchenko.

The aim of the visit of the delegation was the development of the collaboration with Vladimir Oblast, the strengthening and broadening of economic relations between enterprises of the two subjects of the Russian Federation, the search of potential partners, the creation of joint enterprises and the development of cultural relations.

LTD “HCA”,whose leader is “Electrocable” Kolchuginskiy plant”, has been collaborating with enterprises and organizations of St Petersburg and Leningrad Region for many years.

We should say that St Petersburg and Leningrad Region were practically always the first to respond to working outs of new cables and wires. In particular, the first supply of 110kV cables was to Leningrad Region- to the substation “Olton Plus” in Utkina Zavod district. The innovatory working out of 2014- medium voltage cable with an electric conductor of a sectoral shape was first of all claimed for connection of socially significant objects in Leningrad Region.

On November 19th within the bounds of the cultural and business mission of St Petersburg to Vladimir region the round-table conference “Import substitution and industrial cooperation” took place in Kovrov at the base of OJSC “Kovrovskiy electromechanical plant”.

It was noted that the North-West Region is the second Russian region on volumes of supplies of products of the EKP. The enterprise is ready to increase them, going on to fulfill the task of import substitution.

According to the results of the round- table conference they adopted a resolution, which determines the direction of the collaboration between the administration of Vladimir Region and the authorities of St Petersburg: preparation of stuff, further organization of of interregional business contacts, expansion of mutual supplies for production needs of enterprises of the both regions and cooperation of relations in the field of production for needs of system corporations.