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"Systems and Technologies” develops the electric power complex of the country

Systems and Technologies” develops the electric power complex of the country

20 January 2016, 18:28
Tags: Systems and Technologies


From December 1st to December 4th within the bounds of the exhibition “Electric grids of Russia-2015” the group of companies “Systems and Technologies” presented its own working outs in the field of Smart Metering and concluded an agreement with several companies on the development of the electric power complex of the country.

Within the bounds of the forum the group of companies “Systems and Technologies” and JSC “Upravlenie VOLS-VL” concluded a technical and commercial agreement of collaboration in the field of working-out and inculcation of innovative solutions for the development of IT infrastructure of the electric grid complex of Russia. Its signature contributes to the realization of joint projects on the base of technologies, equipment and software, directed to the development of the electric power complex of the country.

In a strategical perspective of the partnership development the sides consider an opportunity of collaboration in the preparation, carrying out and realization of project, wiring and commissioning works, carrying out of marketing researches and also participate in joint seminars and meetings of specialists.

On the display of the group of companies “Systems and Technologies” an agreement of collaboration in the field of a working-out of the protection system of IT infrastructure of power engineering, life support of cities, objects of industry and Housing and Communal Services in Russia with the “InfoTeKS” company was signed. The agreement foresees a number of perspective directions of collaboration, including realization of projects of inculcation of technologies and software in the field of energy safety.

Moreover, within the bounds of the forum at the round-table conference “Innovative products and technologies in the electric grid complex of the country” director of the Department of marketing and sales of the GC “Systems and Technologies” Aleksey Poznishev made a report “Innovative technologies in a working-out of the software for the electric grid complex”. The speaker said: “Every innovative technology is formed on the basis of needs and challenges on the market's side. The current market trends in the electric grid complex are formed with considering of the foreign policy challenges connected with import substitution and cyber safety. Herewith import substitution must be real- to be based on innovative energy saving technologies.

We can say that “Systems and Technologies” have to do not only with import substitution but also import advance by offering the market unique breakthrough technologies. Our domestic innovative program complex “Pyramid 2.0” solves key tasks in the electric power complex, including centralization, reliability and accessibility of the accounting system of electric power for different levels of users”.

At the scientific- practical conference “Modern state and tendency of the development of information managing systems and telecommunications in power engineering” deputy director of the project department of the GC “Systems and Technologies” Sergey Ledin made a report. He said spoke about an investment approach to the building of intellectual accounting systems, monitoring and management of intellectual accounting systems.

“Practically every one has faced with a point system of a participant in a tender procedure, but during the selection of information systems, in particular ASKUE, we don't have such. As a result of “digitizing” of the aims, risks, effects, we get some number of variants of building of automation systems. The main goal is on the basis of digitizing and modeling to introduce the selection of a system into some sensible bounds, thus to choose the most optimal automated information-measuring system according to defined criteria. But we should not forget about such a fact that interoperability- an ability of mutual substitution. After getting a suitable system this principle allows to fulfill it with corresponding technologies. So we are getting a “degree of freedom” in the choice of program-technical solutions which are represented at the market by different producers. And all these is due to standardization  which is more or less in the degree of maturity. At the same time each producer puts some piquancy into his program-technical devices, some peculiarity , which allows to come to any optimal solution as fast as possible”, said Sergey Ledin.

Within the bounds of the forum on the display of the group of companies “Systems and Technologies” the software of a new generation “Pyramid 2.0” was introduced. It is somehow a standard among program products for the creation of the Smart Metering system. Having designed in conformity with the latest requirements of the electric grid industry, the innovative technological platform is an evolution of the previous generations of the software.